Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to coach a perfect 10!

A nd you Human Sphere can us it on all type of peopl not just the shy on - I us it all of the time!

Th other dai I wa deliv some coach skill train for a compani when a deleg ask me how she should coach the person who is an introvert and ha littl to say.

Thi is the type of person when you start your coach session by sai "How is everyth going?" thei just repli with "OK" and then the tumblewe make it wai across the floor!

dure a coach session the coach should be do around 30% of the talk and the coache should be talk around 70% of the timeOverall..

Thi is a challeng when you talk to someon who either doe not have a lot to sai or who is natur shy.

Thi is what I recommend:

A ft you get the normal "OK" respons ask this:

with 10 be absolut perfect and 0 be the pits,"On a scale of 0-10. where would you current rate yourself?"

If the coache respond with a "7" that must mean that to have rate themselv a "7" thei must be compar themselv to what a "10" look like.

So the next respons and question to ask is:

"A rate of 7? That' great. What would a 10 look like to you?"

Let them explain thi and probe a littl deeper.

What you ar do here is stimul a convers by us an altern method other than just sai "What is go good right now?"

To someon who is natur shy you ar not go to get a lot out of them by ask thi question.

the next step would be to askThen.:

"So you have describ a 10. And you rate yourself a 7. What do you need to do to bridg the gap?"

I hope you can see how power thi method is?

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