Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting your MBA - Part 5, What Your GMAT Really Means

In this Inflatable Pool instal of MBA Interview tips, I want to go over what your GMA T REA LLY means.

There is so much misinform go around in regard to the GMA T that it' enough to make you want to each for an airsick bag. Truth is, most MBA prospect don't realli understand the signific of the GMA T. Hopefully, thi instal will clear that up.

Okay, for those of you who think it is some kind of IQ test, it is not. The GMA T ha noth to do with your IQ. In fact, some peopl with high IQ do poorli on their GMA T and other with a low IQ do veri well. So that' the first thing you need to get out of your GMA T doe NOT measur intelligence. Thi mai or mai not be good new for you.

What it doe tell you, and noth else, is what the probabl is of you do well in the first year of your MBA program. Ideally, you want to score abov 700 if you can. However, that is no guarante that your first year of grad school is go to be a piec of cake. There ar some student who score 700 or even 800 and drop out after a year. Then there ar those who score in the 600 and do veri well.

A lso, as far as accept goes, score a 700+ is no guarante that you'r gong to be accepted, just as a score of 600 doe not mean you ar go to be rejected. The GMA T, in spite of what peopl think, is not the determin factor on acceptance. If it was, there would be no need for essays, resum and letter of recommendation. It' just on more tool to evalu you.

Have said that, you certainli want to score as high as you can. Below, you will find a site that will REA LLY prepar you for your GMA T. I think you will find it to be the best program around for the money.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Features of a Multifunction Printer

Multifunct Inflatable River Boat printer ar the ultim all-in-on devic for ani office. Combin the function of a printer along with ani combin of scanner, copier and fax, thei provid a fantast opportun to streamlin a workplac thank to their compar compact size.

The model themselv ar extrem diverse. Some simpli incorpor a standard laser or inkjet printer with a scanner. These tend to be the cheapest model and ar like to onli set you back a littl over 100GBP. The compar qualiti of these devic to their equival standalon devic is reason good. Some might be slightli lacking, but the vast major provid a pretti decent standard of quality.

A t the top end of the scale, the cost of multifunct printer can reach mani thousand of pounds. In thi instanc you can expect the full works. Thi mean numer input trays, except scanner and copier function as well a colour laser printer that is anyth but average. In appear thei bear more of a resembl to a copier than thei do your everydai laser printer. Ordinarili a tall structur with an A3 scanner on the top.

One specif featur that you might be interest in is duplex printing. Thi isn't a prerequisit for many, but when a model is refer to as a duplex multifunct printer, thi mean that it ha the abil to print on both side of the paper. In the long run thi could well help you to save paper, monei and time. It will also make print larger document far easier, take out ani manual process that you mai have to do in the past.

The fax element is veri common, but it isn't present on all models. So if you ar look to incorpor a fax with your printing, make sure you check the specif fulli to ensur that it is present in the model you want. The fax function work just as it would in a convent fax machine, us the printer and scanner function to send and even receiv messages.

The printer itself is usual either a laser or inkjet; however, the higher end model tend to favour the speed and long-term cost effect afford by the laser. Inkjet have the advantag when it come to produc high qualiti print with excel colour definition, so would benefit anybodi look to produc imag regularly. Laser on the other hand churn out high volum of print in doubl quick time. The imag is of a reason qualiti and there is no dry time due to the us of a powder base ink toner - as oppos to the liquid us in inkjets.

Connect Inflatable Drift Boats is anoth thing to consider. Mani multifunct devic will allow the printer to be network with multipl stations, whilst some also includ USB port to allow instant connection. However, the newest technolog develop is Wi-Fi. By utilis an Internet connection, just as you would with a wireless router, you can connect numer devic without cabl trail across your office.

Of cours there ar numer other consider that you might want to bear in mind, such as the size and number of paper trays, the number of page it can print per minut repres as a number follow by 'ppm' and whether or not you want a colour devic - on the understand that mono printer tend to be significantli cheaper as thei onli requir a singl black toner.

So as you can probabl gather from the arrai of featur that these devic offer, you shouldn't be stuck for choic when it come to find a multifunct printer. There ar hundr of model on the market, with devic from all of the lead manufacturers. Multifunct printer ar a great wai to save space and monei for ani offic and ar built to manag all capacities. Thei can be found in almost all budget rang too, so whether you'r bui for a busi workplac or for your home, there should be someth to suit.

Monday, March 15, 2010

How to Know If the Traffic on the Site You Are Advertising On Will Buy Your Products

Some of the Sumo Wrestling Suit biggest problem peopl have when it come to make monei from banner advertis is the fact that thei have no idea if the site thei ar look at us to bui advertis on will send them visitor who will bui what thei ar try to sell. In thi articl I want to show you exactli how to figur out if you can make monei from the site that you ar look at run your ad on.

Step Number 1 - You have to make sure the site is relat to your site.

You ar probabl not go to be abl to advertis on your competitor sites,That wai you know the visitor thei ar attract ar more then like to bui from you! That wai you know the visitor thei ar attract ar more then like to bui from you!

The biggest mistak peopl make is thei will find place to run banner ad that have noth to do with what thei ar sell but thei put their ad there becaus thei can get cheap rates.

You have to make sure you ar focus onli on site that ar relat to your site niche.

Step Number 2 - You have to make sure you ar focus on get your ad on site that have other advertis on them.

You want to make sure you can find ad for at least a few of your competitors! That wai you can be sure that other peopl ar make monei from the traffic that thei ar getting.

You will never want to advertis on a site where you ar the onli on run your ads! If on of your competitor ha not proven that it will work, find a new place to bui advertis that ha been proven.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Career - Test Your Negotiation skills

thi can be Pirate Bounce House done easily. Flexibl at thi stage depend upon how much both of you ar interest in negotiation. If both of you want a result without hurt the relationship,Reach Understand - Thi is the result both of you ar seeking. If both the parti can modul their need so that thei meet each other' expectations. flexibl approach is a primari requirement. Otherwise, on of you will walk away. Your skill as a negoti depend upon satisfi you, the other parti and get a good result. You need to develop good think skills, commun abil and an understand of the person and what drive them to act. Test yourself about these factor and find out how good a negoti ar you?

mean to arriv at an understand with anoth person,

Negoti is part of everi professional' life. To negotiate. so that both of you ar satisfi with the results. Do you know what is your skill in negotiation? If not, why not test and find out becaus most of our interact demand negotiation. You ar negoti with your love partner about which place to go for dinner. You negoti with your co-work about how to divid the work. You negoti with your client about price and you negoti with your boss about your paycheck. Let us discuss import test factor of a negotiation.

you would begin with understand the need of the opposit party. Only after you get that understand will you proce further. The first requir is to find out what the other person wants. If you ar argu with your spous about which restaur to go for dinner,Understand Need - If you ar a good negotiator. find out his/her need. Do thei want to have dinner outsid or thei ar look to get awai somewher for sometime? if later is the case, your choic increas mani times.

but higher status,Specifi Your Need - Pleas spell out your need clearli to the opposit party. Let them know veri clearli about what you ar look for. If your boss know that your real need is not rise in pay. he/sh can work out a solut quickly. Therefor pleas convei your need clearly.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teaching The Big Boys To Think Small

no matter Splash Totter Water how big you are. You should never be embarrass to ask for help.

more innov and entrepreneurially-mind companies. To refresh your memory,Last week I told you about a recent report from The Confer Board that ha a lot of big compani CEO concern about competit from smaller. The Confer Board' CEO Challeng 2004 report that 87% of the 540 global busi survei cite innov and enabl entrepreneurship as prioriti for their companies, and 31% consid these issu of "greatest concern.

but from small compani born in garages,These CEO understand that their big compani statu no longer guarante that thei will win contract and retain market share base sole on their size and track record. Thei understand that the greatest threat to their busi is not come from the boardroom of their largest competitors. on kitchen tables, and in tiny, rent offices.

by need and design,It s a fact that smaller companies. ar more innovative, more flexible, more decisive, and faster to move than their larger brethren who ar entrench in oper process and corpor procedures. Small compani ar typic not led by career execut for whom everi decis must be predic by hour of meet and mound of documentation. Most small compani ar led by their founders; men and women who were cut from an entrepreneuri cloth that ha yet to fade. It is when a compani grow to the point that the founder step asid to make wai for profession manag that the compani lose it innov natur and entrepreneuri flair.

especi when it come to resourc and funding. Turn a Goliath into a rage hord of David s is never easy,Th good new for larg compani is that thei have definit advantag over small companies. but it can be done if the compani is will to make chang to intern process and attitudes, and commit the time, money, and personnel to make it happen.

cut through the red tape,Sinc size and number of year in busi ar no longer differenti in the competit marketplac what must larg compani do to becom more innov and entrepreneurial? To begin thei must do three things: shorten the process time. and promot innov and entrepreneuri think from the top down. If the board, the CEO, executives, managers, supervisors, and employe ar not dedic 100% to make the chang necessari to transform the company, the effort will fail and the giant will lumber on.

Shorten The Process Time

i.e. by establish process and procedures. Veri littl get done at larg compani without what I call the Multipl of M. Multipl Meet to discuss the issue; Multipl Memo to reiter the issue; and Multipl Manag approv requir to sign off on the issue. To becom more innov and entrepreneuri larg compani must streamlin the decision-mak process down to a singl set of M s: Move on or Make it happen. A t larg compani everyth is done by the book.

Cut Through The Red Tape

which made the other bulb in the fixtur flicker like a strobe light at a discothequ caus flashback that we won t discuss . I assum get a new bulb would be a simpl matter of call down to the facil offic and report the problem. My assumpt wa wrong. I wa told that I would have to come to the facil office,Her s a true exampl from my corpor dai that illustr how procedur and red tape get in the wai of effici oper A fluoresc bulb in my offic blew. which wa in anoth build 2 mile away, fill out a facil request form, and take the form back to my immedi supervisor, who wa requir to stick hi head in my offic to confirm that the bulb wa inde out befor sign the form. I assum thi wa to make sure that I wa not try to command a fluoresc bulb under fals pretenses.

he sign the form and I took it back to the facil office,Onc my supervisor confirm that I realli did need a new bulb. foolishli think that thei would hand me a bulb that I could take back to my office. Oh no, that would have been too simple. I wa told that onc my form wa approv by the facil manag a mainten worker would be dispatch to my offic and would replac the bulb for me. Great, I said. When can I expect that to happen?

the man at the facil desk replied. I suddenli felt like I wa deal with the cabl company. How mani big compani employe doe it take to chang a light bulb? I lost count at four I can have someon over there a week from Tuesdai between noon and 5pm..

Encourag Innovat and Entrepreneuri Thinking

you must creat an environ in which innov and entrepreneuri think ar encourag and rewarded. If your employe feel that their opinions,Next. thought and idea don t matter, thei will not submit them to you, but mai take them elsewhere.

base on my own experience,A gain. I can tell you that innovation, especi innov that occur below the manag level, is often ignored, ridiculed, and in some cases, us as an excus to give employe the boot. The perfect exampl of thi wa when I took an idea on how to improv an intern system to my manag and wa told, Knox, you think too much. Now thi wa a new on on me. I had been accus of think too littl and of not think at all, but never had I been accus of think too much. I do recal my dad tell me when I wa young, Son, if you had a brain you d be dangerous. I suppos my manag wa simpli try to relai the same message. Shut up and go to your room/cubicl like a good littl boy/compani drone befor you get on my nerv and get spanked/fired. Within a few month I decid to take my overact brain and put it to work for myself. After 10 year of busi success, I think I made the right decision.

expect and rewarded. Pose these questions: 1 How can we improv our current product and services; 2 What new us can you think of for current product or services; 3 What new product and servic can you think of that would be good addit to our current offer or perhap even launch a new line; 4 What new opportun do you see in the market place that might be worth pursuing? To promot innov and entrepreneurship big compani must encourag everyon to think like innov and entrepreneurs. Make it a compani polici that such think is required.

Get Outsid Help

thei do not know how to encourag entrepreneuri think among their ranks. If your compani need help with innov and entrepreneurship,Most larg compani find it difficult to develop and implement an innov plan simpli becaus thei refus to devot the time and resourc to get it done. And sinc most execut have never been entrepreneurs. bring in someon from the outsid to direct and manag the effort for you.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to coach a perfect 10!

A nd you Human Sphere can us it on all type of peopl not just the shy on - I us it all of the time!

Th other dai I wa deliv some coach skill train for a compani when a deleg ask me how she should coach the person who is an introvert and ha littl to say.

Thi is the type of person when you start your coach session by sai "How is everyth going?" thei just repli with "OK" and then the tumblewe make it wai across the floor!

dure a coach session the coach should be do around 30% of the talk and the coache should be talk around 70% of the timeOverall..

Thi is a challeng when you talk to someon who either doe not have a lot to sai or who is natur shy.

Thi is what I recommend:

A ft you get the normal "OK" respons ask this:

with 10 be absolut perfect and 0 be the pits,"On a scale of 0-10. where would you current rate yourself?"

If the coache respond with a "7" that must mean that to have rate themselv a "7" thei must be compar themselv to what a "10" look like.

So the next respons and question to ask is:

"A rate of 7? That' great. What would a 10 look like to you?"

Let them explain thi and probe a littl deeper.

What you ar do here is stimul a convers by us an altern method other than just sai "What is go good right now?"

To someon who is natur shy you ar not go to get a lot out of them by ask thi question.

the next step would be to askThen.:

"So you have describ a 10. And you rate yourself a 7. What do you need to do to bridg the gap?"

I hope you can see how power thi method is?